Leopold Hoesch
Michael Wech
Peter Wolf
1 x 89'
Michael Scheffold
„Hello, Dictator“
Orbán, the EU and the rule of law

It is a play for power and billions. Since the summer of 2020, the majority of EU member states have been fighting to make the allocation of EU funds conditional. Only those who abide by democratic rules should receive funds in the future. A rule-of-law mechanism is to guarantee this. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is vehemently opposed. With good reason?

He has long been targeted by critics. In "Hello, Dictator," Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn calls Hungary a "shackled democracy." The European community of values is struggling to find its stance. For months. With his blackmailing veto, Orbán plunges the EU into a deep crisis, in which Chancellor Merkel finally mediates. Is it appeasement with the autocrat? Director Michael Wech goes on a search for clues throughout Europe in his analytical road-movie. Disaster transformed. 39,000 submariners fought on 863 boats - more than 27,000 did not return.

„Hello, Dictator“ Orbán, the EU and the rule of law

It is a play for power and billions. Since the summer of 2020, the majority of EU member states have been fighting to make the allocation of EU funds conditional. Only those who abide by democratic rules should receive funds in the future. A rule-of-law mechanism is to guarantee this. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is vehemently opposed. With good reason?


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