Semi-Final Judging of the International Emmy® Awards
In a glamourous setting, the semi-final judgings of the 45th International Emmy® Awards took place at the Marienburg in Cologne on 22nd June 2017. International juries voted between the Emmy-nominees in three categories.
Best Performance by an ActressComedyDocumentary
Following the jury-meeting, Academy-ambassador Leopold Hoesch, in conjunction with the WDR and Piv Bernth, held a reception at the Marienburg in Cologne.
Unterstützt wurden die 2017 Semi-Final-Judgings der Internationalen Emmy Awards von der Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen, dem WDR, the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and the Landesanstalt für Medien NRW (LfM). All superstructures and electronic equipment were provided by the MMC Filmstudios Cologne. Further sponsors of the evening were the Savoy Hotel, Perrier-Jouet, Audi and the Filmlounge.