For centuries it has been put to the test again and again: the Swedish monarchy, one of the oldest of all and at the same time one of the most modern.
What is the secret of the success of the Swedish royals who enjoy such great popularity?
"For Sweden with the times": This is the motto King Carl Gustaf has chosen for his regency. Equality has long since entered the Swedish royal family. In 1980, the law on succession to the throne was amended and equal inheritance rights were introduced for men and women. Marriage to commoners has also become a tradition. Sweden's royal children are allowed to marry whoever they want. The King himself set an example when he married Silvia Sommerlath from Heidelberg in 1976.
The documentary explores the extent to which adaptation to social change and closeness to the people constitute the royal family's strategy for success. Starting from this, we look back into the history of the Swedish monarchy and illuminate the historical contexts.