Leopold Hoesch
Marc Rensing & Annebeth Jacobsen
Kirby Welcker
1 x 43'
Elisabeth Raßbach
Killer germs
When antibiotics stop working

The docu-fiction KILLERKEIME - WENN ANTIBIOTIKA NICHTLICHEN (When Antibiotics Stop Working) addresses the global threat posed by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The film scientifically explores the questions of what we will face if antibiotics lose their effect and how and why resistance continues to spread. The focus is increasingly placed on Germany and the German health system, German agriculture and the German pharmaceutical industry.

The film operates on two levels: in the documentary part, various experts and protagonists in the field explain and comment on the problem. Among others, microbiologists from the Robert Koch Institute, the Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Julia Klöckner and a patient suffering from an infection with a multi-resistant germ have their say. In addition, in the second, fictional part of the film, the outbreak of a multi-resistant germ in a German hospital is re-enacted with the help of elaborately produced play scenes. The two parts are interwoven and alternate again and again in the course of the film. The production was also supported by expert advice from the Robert Koch Institute.

First broadcast: Tuesday, 26 November 2019, 20:15 on ZDF.

Killer germs: When antibiotics stop working

The docu-fiction KILLERKEIME - WENN ANTIBIOTIKA NICHTLICHEN (When Antibiotics Stop Working) addresses the global threat posed by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The film scientifically explores the questions of what we will face if antibiotics lose their effect and how and why resistance continues to spread. The focus is increasingly placed on Germany and the German health system, German agriculture and the German pharmaceutical industry.

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