EMPRO is a groundbreaking research project to fight AIDS involving a top-class research network of 25 partners from Europe and Africa. With a budget of 11.7 million euros, the aim is to develop the first microbicidal drug that acts like a kind of viral blocker on the mucous membrane. This should make it possible for women in developing countries to protect themselves against HIV infection during sexual intercourse in a self-determined way.
BROADVIEW TV had the opportunity to accompany this world-changing research project. Via the production of a first-class image film and the use of state-of-the-art 3D animation techniques, it was possible to provide a detailed insight into this highly explosive research project.
Together with German United Distributors, BROADVIEW TV succeeded in distributing the high-quality EMPRO film throughout Europe and reaching an audience of millions. This raised awareness of a field of science in which a breakthrough would represent enormous progress for all of humanity.