Leopold Hoesch
Simone Schillinger
Rebecca Zelt & Vera Bertram
1 x 45'
Ramin Sabeti
Dynasties in NRW
Welterfolg mit Eierlikör – Die Verpoortens

Egg, egg, egg, Verpoorten - this catchy tune still works today. Almost everyone knows it and can hum along. The drink that everyone associates with it brings back memories for many. A brand and the success story of an entrepreneurial family - Verpoorten.

The development of the farm is closely linked to the course of Germany's history. Time and again, political changes have led to sometimes risky decisions. In the documentary, brothers William and Dirk Verpoorten take viewers on a journey through time: Starting at the Lower Rhine, via Berlin, which was full of vices in the "Golden Twenties", to Lower Bavaria. There, the grandmother of the two had raised a factory on her own during the war years. At a time when eggs were in absolute short supply. This laid the foundation for the triumphant advance of egg liqueur in the Federal Republic. And it is no coincidence that Verpoorten moved to the place that stands for the economic miracle like no other: the federal capital Bonn. Today, the great-great-grandchildren of the dynasty's founder face a daunting task: the contemporary marketing of a drink that has remained virtually unchanged over the past 150 years and is the core of their success: eggnog.

First broadcast: Fri., 02 November 2018, 20:15, WDR.


Dynasties in NRW: World success with egg liqueur - The Verpoortens

Egg, egg, egg, Verpoorten - this catchy tune still works today. Almost everyone knows it and can hum along. The drink that everyone associates with it brings back memories for many. A brand and the success story of an entrepreneurial family - Verpoorten.

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