
Leopold Hoesch


Peter Hard & Andrzej Klamt

Creative Producer





ZDFtheaterkanal / 3sat / ZDFdokukanal


1 x 30'




Theater landscapes

Volkstheater Munich

Although the name "Volkstheater München" suggests a long history and tradition, the theater on Stiglmaierplatz with its 609 seats is barely 20 years old.

It opened in 1983 thanks to the need of actors, directors and dramaturges of the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel for an artistic examination of the Bavarian-Austrian folk theater tradition.
The public also played a major role in the renovation and redesign of the former multi-purpose hall, as the majority of the construction costs were financed by private donations.

In the first five years under the directorship of Jörg-Dieter Haas, it was primarily the well-known folk actors, including Gustl Bayrhammer, Beppo Brem, Helmut Fischer, Karl Obermayr, Enzi Fuchs and Maria Singer, who ensured the theater's appeal.
However, no name is as closely associated with the theater as that of Ruth Drexel.
The theater opened in 1983 with her production of Karl Schönherr's "Glaube und Heimat".
From 1988 to 2002, Ruth Drexel directed the theater with a short interruption, whereby the focus of the repertoire was on the classical folk theater tradition.
However, through the sometimes very close collaboration with formative authors of critical folk theater plays such as Peter Turrini, Martin Sperr, Felix Mitterer and Franz Xaver Kroetz, the contemporary connection was always sought.

Christian Stückl, the new artistic director, opened in October 2002 with Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus".
Stückl, who comes from an Alpine village, was in-house director at the Munich Kammerspiele for many years, staged the Oberammergau Passion Play and last year's "Jedermann" in Salzburg.
His main concern is to show traditions in a way that is accessible and understandable to the people, whereby he tries to avoid any proximity to beer-soaked comedy blandness.

"I want people to be able to go to the theater and follow a story the moment it gets dark in the room."

Christian Stückl

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