
Leopold Hoesch


Matthias Schmidt

Creative Producer

Nicholas von Brauchitsch




ZDFtheaterkanal / 3sat / ZDFdokukanal


1 x 30'




Theater landscapes

Play Leipzig

"I praise my Leipzig!" - exclaims Goethe and gives the city the name "Little Paris".
His Mephisto lures Faust into the fullness of life in the "Auerbachs Keller" inn.
Today, the lively Bach city is considered the boomtown of the East.

Leipzig's first municipal theater opened in 1766, but as early as 1727 Caroline Neuber came to Leipzig with her company of actors and, together with the professor of literature Johann Christoph Gottsched, reformed the theater by driving the Hanswurst and his jokes off the stage.

Esther Schweins presents the Schauspiel Leipzig, which in GDR times was the largest stage company outside Las Vegas with more than 1500 employees.
Archive material from performances and guest appearances provide an insight into the history of the theater and its city.
Ex-Thoman Tobias Künzel, now a member of the band "Die Prinzen", talks about the Monday demonstrations, the reunification period and the impact on the theater.

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