Creative Producer
Esther Schweins takes a look around Karlsruhe, the city of law, innovative urban planning and high-tech research.
She introduces the multi-genre theater in Baden and takes a look at the Federal Constitutional Court, for which the theater had to change its location.
The former President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Jutta Limbach, comments on the significance of the highest court for the city and the possible impact on the theater schedule.
A tongue-in-cheek legal look is sometimes cast at great theater literature, as in the performance of "Judge Adam" at the Federal Court of Justice, which flanked the production of Kleist's "Broken Jug" at the State Theater.
There, a village judge sits in judgment of himself and the State Theatre has asked prominent Karlsruhe lawyers to reopen the case.
General director Achim Thorwald, ballet director Birgit Keil, designer Luigi Colani and others provide information about the theater and the city of Karlsruhe.
Esther Schweins takes a look at the theater's tailor shop, the huge shoe warehouse, looks over the shoulder of a wig maker and learns how to spit fire with pollen in the armory.
We also examine how the theater is influenced by the Internet capital of Karlsruhe, home to the Center for Art and Media Technology.