
Leopold Hoesch


Frank Diederichs & Annebeth Jacobson

Creative Producer

Kirby Welcker






1 x 45'




Germany's big clans

The Lidl story

THE LIDL STORY tells the story of one of the greatest secrets in German retail history.
Almost every German knows LIDL and Kaufland - after all, almost 40 million of them shop here.
But what is the story behind this retail giant?

Dieter Schwarz, the man behind LIDL and Kaufland, is considered a phantom.
There is hardly a publicly known photo of one of Germany's most important entrepreneurs.
How is that even possible?
Schwarz is lucky enough to have a very loyal environment.
And this is no coincidence: his good deeds for his home town of Heilbronn are famous.
Not only is he one of the largest employers in the region, but he also promotes art, culture and, above all, education with the Dieter Schwarz Foundation.

The late 60s and early 70s saw the beginning of Schwarz's entrepreneurial rise, which was unparalleled in German retail history.
At that time, the food market in Germany was changing: corner stores were dying out, supermarkets and chain stores were on the rise - and with them the Schwarz family's company.
They are conquering more and more cities in western Germany with their hypermarket concept, while the Albrecht brothers from Essen are enjoying great success with their discount stores.
And Dieter Schwarz recognized the signs of the times: in 1973, he also opened his first discount store in Ludwigshafen.
At the end of the 1990s, he put the business in the hands of his long-time colleague Klaus Gehrig - but to this day, all key decisions are coordinated with Schwarz.

LIDL has been struggling with various scandals since the mid-2000s.
It was about the working conditions of employees, the prevention of works councils, surveillance of employees with cameras and detectives.
The brand needs a new start and fundamentally changes its marketing in 2008.
The new slogan is still valid today: "LIDL is worth it" - especially for one person: Dieter Schwarz.

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