
Leopold Hoesch


Torsten Körner

Creative Producer

Annebeth Jacobsen











For a long time, the Bonn Republic was a smoky place with heavy leather armchairs and old men in them.
Women were largely excluded from the men's sport of politics.
In DIE UNBEUGSAMEN, the top female politicians of the time now tell how they fought for a say and power despite all the resistance - along the way or even more so during the major crises and debates of the Bonn Republic.

"Women, if we do nothing today, tomorrow we will live like the day before yesterday."
Annemirl Bauer, 1988

The political discrimination was followed just as far-reachingly by historical discrimination, as the male statues, foundation and street names show.
What would it be like if this one-sided historiography were reversed?
How would the image of the Bonn Republic change if only women were to present their view of things?
Based on this question, the documentary develops an emotionally moving chronicle of West German politics from the 1950s to reunification.
The female perspective reveals archive treasures that have never been seen on conventional documentary television, or perhaps were last seen decades ago - because nobody was looking for them.
DIE UNBEUGSAMEN allows numerous pioneering women from all camps of the Bonn Republic to have their say, including Herta Däubler-Gmelin (SPD), Marie-Elisabeth Klee (CDU), Ursula Männle (CSU), Christa Nickels (The Greens), Ingrid Matthäus-Maier (FDP/SPD), Renate Schmidt (SPD) and Rita Süssmuth (CDU).
Through their experience and special insight, the film provides valuable impulses for the present and the future - and a warning that many of the achievements of the women's movement of that time are in danger again today.

Funded by:
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, German Federal Film Fund, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW

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