Creative Producer
Who owns nature?
To the animals?
To humans?
Or should it simply be left to its own devices?
And does untouched nature even still exist?
Questions that are more complex than they may seem at first.
In search of an answer, the documentary "ON THE HUNT. Who owns nature?" takes us into a fascinating microcosm: our German forest.
Images of unique beauty show us an archaic world in the heart of our civilization that no longer seems to fit into our time, even though it is all around us.
In the Bavarian Alps, we encounter roaring deer and chamois, in the forests of Brandenburg wolves, which have resettled there after many years of absence, as in the rest of Germany.
We share our habitat with these and many other wild animals - but who decides how we live together with them?
Who decides that they - and how many of them - may be hunted?
And do they have to be hunted at all?
What would the consequences be if the 1.2 million deer and 600,000 wild boar that are shot by hunters in Germany every year were not shot?
In "AUF DER JAGD. Who owns nature?" hunters, foresters, forest owners, wildlife biologists, animal rights activists, farmers and forestry officials have their say - and come to very different conclusions.
The cinema documentary is like an exciting walk in the woods, where you unexpectedly encounter a side of our nature that would otherwise remain hidden.
At the same time, the film is a declaration of love to our forest and nature, reminding us with impressive landscape and animal shots of the responsibility we bear towards our environment and ultimately towards ourselves.
Because one thing is clear: our human existence has irreversibly changed life on earth, especially in the last 200 years.
Nature and the forest can survive without us - but we cannot survive without them.
Funded by:
Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, German Federal Film Fund